Student Life

When you arrive, we will explain your first day programme. You will also receive a Welcome Pack with information about your stay here, and a Study Pack to help you make the most of your Spanish language learning experience at The Spanish You Need.

Then you will have a written test and an interview to discuss your personal study programme, before you join your course.

You will also have a welcome meeting when we will show you the self-study facilities and give you The Spanish You Need Student ID Card (please bring a photograph for this). You will also be given a personal user name and password for our online e-Learning Centre.

Everyday, from Monday to Friday you will stay at the centre from 10 am to 6 pm, having a total number of 25 hours per week. You can have lunch at our Coffee Station,.

All our students will take an international certificate. Accredited by Instituto Cervantes.

DELE exam preparation is obligatory for all students. At the end of your stay your level will be B2, according to the international Framework. It is the best advantage for students who would like to:

  • Continue their studies at university in a Spanish-speaking country or
  • Return home with an internationally recognised exam for their future professional development.


And you cannot stay any week-end without experimenting all the best from Spain. Our activity team will offer you extra leisure, in our week-end plans. We want to make your year in Spain unforgettable..

In Madrid, both the cultural and leisure offer is endless, as well as in the surrounding cities, such as El Escorial, Alcalá de Henares and Segovia or Toledo.

And you cannot leave the opportunity of visiting amazing cities as Barcelona, Sevilla, Granada, Bilbao or Santiago de Compostela.

Ther will not be a free moment to lose the treasures of Spainand to put in practice the knowledge acquired in our weekly lessons. Do not only study the language, Live It!!